Building a Classifier from Scratch

Kai Graham
9 min readAug 23, 2021


In this blog post, I will be walking you through an entire machine learning process from start to finish, focused primarily on building a classifier to predict whether SyriaTel customers will churn based on a number of different features. This blog post will walk through select steps I took to perform EDA on an unknown dataset, and ultimately iterate through a number of models to arrive at an optimal classifier.

To begin, load and import necessary libraries.

# import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score, GridSearchCV
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, LabelEncoder, StandardScaler
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, roc_curve, auc
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

Plot boxplots of numeric features to get a sense of distributions

# plot boxplots
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 10))
plt.title('Boxplots of Numeric Columns')
plt.xlabel('Numeric Features')
Boxplots of numeric features

Produce countplots of categorical data to get a sense of distributions. An example of countplot for state is presented below:

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
sns.countplot(df['state'], color='red')
plt.title('State Counts')
Countplot of state

Evaluating countplots of different categorical columns can provide insight into different values in the columns, and highlight any additional preprocessing that might be necessary.

Another useful tool is to examine crosstabs to see how the categorical features might relate to our target variable. In this case, this is churn.

state_crosstab = pd.crosstab(df['state'], df['churn'], normalize='index')

As shown above, generating a crosstab can help highlight differences in churn rates between different states. Sorting and plotting the True column on a barplot can help identify which states are associated with higher churn levels, and which are associated with lower churn levels. The below code additionally highights those states showing churn rates greater than or equal to 20%.

# sort the plot by churn rate to get a better sense of which states are associated with higher churn
sorted_state_churn = state_crosstab[1]
sorted_state_churn = sorted_state_churn.reset_index()
sorted_state_churn.columns = ['state', 'churn_rate']
# sort values based on churn rate
sorted_state_churn.sort_values('churn_rate', inplace=True)
# plot and highlight states with churn rates higher than 20%
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
ax = sns.barplot(sorted_state_churn['state'], sorted_state_churn['churn_rate'], color='red')
plt.title("Sorted Churn Rate by State")
for bar in ax.patches:
if bar.get_height() >= 0.20:
Sorted Churn Rate by State

Additional crosstab code is used to generate relationships among other categorical columns, for example, international plan as shown below:

# International Plan
int_plan_crosstab = pd.crosstab(df['international plan'], df['churn'])
normalized_int_plan_crosstab = pd.crosstab(df['international plan'], df['churn'], normalize='index')
print('International Plan Counts:')
print('International Plan %:')

Looking at normalized value counts, helps give a sense of the percentage breakdown.

After potential relationships between our target and categorical feature columns are explored, we can move on to plotting boxplots to help explore relationship to our continuous / numerical features.

# plot boxplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=8, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 15))
for ax, feat in zip(axes.flatten(), num_cols):
sns.boxplot(x=feat, y=df['churn'].astype('category'), data=df, ax=ax)
ax.set_title(f'{feat} vs. churn')

Evaluating boxplots similar to the above, we start getting a sense of various patterns emerging in our dataset. For example, from the visualization above, we can see that area code is equally distributed among those that churn and those that do not, but those that churn tend to have higher median minutes, implying those that churn may be using the service more often.

Specifically looking at customer service calls, we see a higher number of median calls for those that churn than those that do not. At first glance, this makes sense as customers upset with service may be calling / complaining more often than those who are content with their current service and are unlikely to switch carriers.

Plotting crosstab data of customer service calls further we see the following:

There is a clear jump up after the third customer service call, and similarly, following the 8th customer service call, with 100% of customers with 9 customer service calls churning.

Next, generate a heatmap of correlations to see which features are related

# plot a heatmap of correlations
corr = df.corr()
sns.heatmap(corr, cmap='RdBu_r', annot=False, vmax=1, vmin=-1)
Correlation Heatmap

Evaluating the heatmap, we get a sense of which features are correlated with churn, our target variable. Additionally, we see that charge and minutes variables are perfectly correlated with one another, and both will not be needed going forward. In addition to examining existing variables, I engineered a number of features to help capture total average talk time (both international and non-international) and total usage (both international and non-international).

# creation of new variables
df['all_non_intl_calls'] = df['total day calls'] + df['total eve calls'] + df['total night calls']
df['all_calls'] = df['all_non_intl_calls'] + df['total intl calls']
df['all_non_intl_mins'] = df['total day minutes'] + df['total eve minutes'] + df['total night minutes']
df['all_mins'] = df['all_non_intl_mins'] + df['total intl minutes']
df['avg_non_intl_call_time'] = df['all_non_intl_mins'] / df['all_non_intl_calls']
df['avg_call_time'] = df['all_mins'] / df['all_calls']

Now that we have a solid understanding of our data, we can move onto data preparation and modeling.

To begin, leveraging the information found in EDA above, I select a subset of features that are likely to impact churn.

predictors = ['state', 'account length', 'international plan', 'voice mail plan',
'number vmail messages', 'total day minutes', 'total eve minutes',
'total night minutes', 'total intl minutes', 'customer service calls',
'all_non_intl_calls', 'all_calls', 'all_non_intl_mins', 'all_mins',
'avg_non_intl_call_time', 'avg_call_time']

Next, set up training and test sets.

X = clean_df[predictors]
y = clean_df['churn']
final_clean_df = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1)
# create train and test sets, stratify to keep proportions
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=SEED, stratify=y)

Here, stratify=y is set to keep class balances the same. There is some class imbalance on our predictor (churn), that will be handled via SMOTE shortly. Before creating synthetic data with smote to handle class imbalance, we need to one-hot encode and label encode our various categorical columns.

# encode columns
# state
ohe = OneHotEncoder(categories='auto', handle_unknown='ignore', sparse=False)
X_train_state_encoded = ohe.fit_transform(X_train[['state']])
X_train_state_encoded = pd.DataFrame(X_train_state_encoded, columns=ohe.categories_[0], index=X_train.index)
X_test_state_encoded = ohe.transform(X_test[['state']])
X_test_state_encoded = pd.DataFrame(X_test_state_encoded, columns=ohe.categories_[0], index=X_test.index)
# drop initial state column from both test and train data, and concat with remaining features
X_train = X_train.drop('state', axis=1)
X_test = X_test.drop('state', axis=1)
X_train_ohe = pd.concat([X_train, X_train_state_encoded], axis=1)
X_test_ohe = pd.concat([X_test, X_test_state_encoded], axis=1)
# label encode voice mail plan and international plan
le = LabelEncoder()
# encode international plan
X_train_ohe['intl_plan_encoded'] = le.fit_transform(X_train_ohe['international plan'])
X_test_ohe['intl_plan_encoded'] = le.transform(X_test_ohe['international plan'])
# encode voicemail plan
X_train_ohe['vm_plan_encoded'] = le.fit_transform(X_train_ohe['voice mail plan'])
X_test_ohe['vm_plan_encoded'] = le.transform(X_test_ohe['voice mail plan'])
# drop original columns
X_train_encoded = X_train_ohe.drop(['international plan', 'voice mail plan'], axis=1)
X_test_encoded = X_test_ohe.drop(['international plan', 'voice mail plan'], axis=1)
X_train_final = X_train_encoded.copy()
X_test_final = X_test_encoded.copy()

Now that we have encoded our data, we can move on to handling class imbalance. First, explore current class imbalance.

# print initial target class weights
print('Initial Class Weights of Target:')

There is clear imbalance, with 85.5% of our target variable labeled as 0, or non-churning. As a result, a simple model labeling every customer as non-churned will still have accuracy of ~85.5%. We will keep this in mind as we begin modeling. To handle class imbalance, synthetic training data will be generated with SMOTE.

# create synthetic training data using SMOTE to address imbalance
X_train_resampled, y_train_resampled = SMOTE(random_state=SEED).fit_resample(X_train_final, y_train)
X_train_resampled = pd.DataFrame(X_train_resampled, columns=X_train_final.columns)
# print new class weights
print('Balanced Class Weights of Target:')

Prior to modeling, it is important to decide which performance metrics will be used to evaluate different models tried. In this scenario, I decided to focus on F1 score as f1 score cannot be high without Precision and Recall also being high. Additionally, a high recall score is likely most intuitive and helpful in this business context as it will enable various sales team and SyriaTel customer service members to perform targeted outreach / customer promotions. Additionally, information gained from this process may be useful to SyriaTel in producing various threshold measures to be used by internal teams to track chance of churning.

I set up a function to handle all model evaluation and scoring:

def print_model_scores(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, model_name):
Function to return accuracy, recall, precision, f1, roc_auc, and neg_log_loss from given X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, and fit model.
# create predictions using model
y_test_preds = model.predict(X_test)
y_train_preds = model.predict(X_train)

# accuracy scores
train_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_train, y_train_preds)
test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_preds)

# precision score
train_precision = precision_score(y_train, y_train_preds)
test_precision = precision_score(y_test, y_test_preds)

# recall score
train_recall = recall_score(y_train, y_train_preds)
test_recall = recall_score(y_test, y_test_preds)

# f1 score
train_f1 = f1_score(y_train, y_train_preds)
test_f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_test_preds)

# roc_auc
false_positive_rate, true_positive_rate, thresholds = roc_curve(y_test, y_test_preds)
test_roc_auc = auc(false_positive_rate, true_positive_rate)
fpr, tpr, thresh = roc_curve(y_train, y_train_preds)
train_roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)

print(f'Training Set: {train_accuracy}')
print(f'Test Set: {test_accuracy}')
print(f'Training Set: {train_precision}')
print(f'Test Set: {test_precision}')
print(f'Training Set: {train_recall}')
print(f'Test Set: {test_recall}')
print('F1 Score:')
print(f'Training Set: {train_f1}')
print(f'Test Set: {test_f1}')
print(f'ROC AUC:')
print(f'Training Set: {train_roc_auc}')
print(f'Test Set: {test_roc_auc}')

test_results = pd.DataFrame([[f'Test-{model_name}', test_accuracy, test_precision, test_recall, test_f1, test_roc_auc]],
columns=['Model', 'Accuracy', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1 Score', 'AUC'])

train_results = pd.DataFrame([[f'Training-{model_name}', train_accuracy, train_precision, train_recall, train_f1, train_roc_auc]],
columns=['Model', 'Accuracy', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1 Score', 'AUC'])

# concat results
results = pd.concat([test_results, train_results], axis=0)

return results

With our training target data balanced, we can move forward with iterating through a number of models. While a number of models, including decision trees and random forests were used before arriving at our final model, for purposes of this blog post, I will focus on the final model we arrived at, XG Boost.

To start, I built a baseline XGBoost Classifier with no hyperparameter tu

# run a SVC and see if we can improve scoring
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
# create baseline classifier
baseline_xgb = XGBClassifier(random_state=SEED)
# fit, y_train_resampled)
# store scores
baseline_xgb_results = print_model_scores(X_train_resampled,

This baseline model produced the following results:

As we can see performance is relatively high on testing sets, but there is some overfitting present. Despite this, we can see accuracy score is high for both test and training sets, and is outperforming our “simple model” that labeled every customer as no churn.
Tuning hyperparameters with gridsearch allows us to improve performance over our baseline.

xgb_param_grid = {
'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth': [1, 2, 3],
'subsample': [0.5, 0.7],
'min_child_weight': [2, 3]
# create gridsearch
xgb_grid_search = GridSearchCV(baseline_xgb,
# fit model, y_train_resampled)

We can output the best params found in gridsearch by:

# Mean training score
xgb_gs_training_score = np.mean(xgb_grid_search.cv_results_['mean_train_score'])
# Mean test score
xgb_gs_testing_score = xgb_grid_search.score(X_test_final, y_test)
print(f'Mean Training Score: {xgb_gs_training_score}')
print(f'Mean Testing Score: {xgb_gs_testing_score}')
print("Best Parameter Combination Found During Grid Search:")

Rerunning our model with these hyperparameters, we end up with:

# train model with these parameters
best_xgb = XGBClassifier(random_state=SEED,
# fit to training data, y_train_resampled)
# store results
best_xgb_results = print_model_scores(X_train_resampled,

Comparing our tuned XG Boost classifier with our baseline, our results are slightly better. Recall is the same, but we have improved overall F1 score and precision, while also slightly increasing accuracy. This is the best model we have seen so far, and will be used as our final model. While additional iterating can be performed, our final model is performing fairly well on testing data. Using our model to predict probabilities enables us to produce a list of customers and the probability assigned by our model of churning.

all_predictions = final_model.predict(transformed_data)
all_probs = final_model.predict_proba(transformed_data)

Leveraging and providing this list to SyriaTel will enable them to know which customers are at higher risk of churning, and enable them to address this as they see fit.

